The South African Qur’aan Union, established in 2008, coordinates and host Qur’anic programs and activities throughout the country. This includes the annual International Qur’aan Recital Awards (IQRA), the hosting of international dignitaries and Qur’aan specialists in South Africa, Qur’aan literacy programs and other programs.

By nature of its activities, the organization was able to create an extensive network of individuals and institutions throughout South Africa that are involved with the propagation of the Holy Qur’aan. This enabled us to create partnerships and joint initiatives, thereby enabling a spirit of cooperation and mutual support for the sake of promoting the Holy Qur’aan. The organization consists of dedicated individuals that works on a purely voluntary basis.

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Daarul Qur’aan Institute

The Daarul Qur’aan Institute in Cape Town is one of the initiatives of the South African Qur’aan Union. The center provides a platform where learners regardless of age or literacy background can learn to recite and memorize the Holy Qur’aan. Daarul Qur’aan Institute aims to create a Qur’aan- loving society where students are introduced to all aspects of the Deen of Islam.

International Qur’aan Reciters Award (IQRA)

The South African Qur`aan Union has been hosting provincial and national competitions since 2005. Together with Madrasah Tarteelul Quraan, Awqaf SA and the South African National Zakaah Fund, the International Qur`aan Recital Award (IQRA) was established to honour the efforts of students and teachers of the Holy Qur`aan throughout the world.


This is an attempt to create a database of all South African Qur’aan memorisers (Huffaadh) and reciters (Qurraa) and to document such information in the history of South Africa. There are literally hundreds of students that commits the entire Qur’aan to memory every year and we therefore wish to note each male and female reciter in the country. Any reciter/ memorizer may register, but for purpose of record, the title ‘Haafidh’ is reserved for those who have completed the memorization of the Holy Qur’aan in its entirety, whilst the title ‘Qaari’ are for those who studied the sciences of Qur’aan recitation. Some of the present information was gathered/ forwarded to us by various sources and might by now be outdated. 

The Muslim population of South Africa has been very active in establishing Islamic centers across the country. Specialized Qur`aan classes may be found at many mosques in addition to the numerous private institutions established specifically for that purpose. Herewith is a list of institutes that are registered on our database. 

Should you wish to add an institute that is not listed below or if you would like to enter your details as a reciter/ memorizer of the Holy Qur’aan, kindly register here.

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